Focus Areas

What we do

Jump is software available on smartphones and tablets that helps restaurants and businesses achieve team accountability, digital food safety compliance, and boost employee performance.
Not a restaurant? We can help you too.


Getting Started

Getting started can be the hardest part of adopting a new system. You need consistent, documented, and easy-to-adopt software for one, tens, or hundreds of employees and sites. We can help.

Recording Data

Consistently entering data, on a proper schedule isn’t always easy. Correctly collecting data through an easy-to-use interface is our top priority. Everything else grows from good, consistent data.

Automate Reporting

Track completion rates over time with real-time reporting and dashboarding and receive automated custom notifications when items are out of the regulatory or internal limits

Train Your Team

Let’s face it. You don’t buy software to train your employees. That’s your team’s responsibility. But reinforcement? We can help. Attach SOPs to show how to perform tasks correctly every time. You can use video, text, and pictures.